Need Help With Friends – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from United States:

I live in the US and I am so grateful for this site. It gives me a lot of hope and increases my faith. I have posted many experiences and prayers. I believe that Baba will eventually bless all the devotees.

Baba, please help my daughter. She is at college and far from home. All her friends are turning against her. She had some good friends, but when she connected the two girls, they became friends and started ignoring my daughter. This happened two other times. Baba, please make her roommate (another girl from the same class) become good friends with my daughter. My daughter calls me every day and says she has no one to talk to. She feels very sad. I can listen to her problems but this is the age she needs friends where she can chat about what teenagers talk about. How can a Mom replace that kind of friendship?

Baba, please let her friends SS and W and V become friends with her. Baba, if my daughter has done anything wrong then please punish me but not my daughter. Do what You want with me, but please don’t destroy my daughter’s fun college years. My daughter goes to the temple everyday (more than me), then why are You doing this? What more do You want Baba. Please Baba, think how Your life would be without friends, please give her at least 2 friends who are close to her. Baba please I beg You.

Devotees, please pray for my daughter. I am sad as a mother that I cannot do anything for her. Please pray that she has good friends whom she can confide in. Baba, please tell me what more she has to do or I have to do for You to give her friends. Baba, I beg You, please help. Om Sairam.

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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