Baba, Need Your Miracles For My Daughter – Anonymous Sai Devotee

Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA: I am a devotee living in USA. Thank you for the wonderful site, it keeps our faith alive.
Baba, You know AH is having lot of health issues; It started with skin rashes, eczema, and then acne all over her forehead. And now the other two issues related to her hormones, BS and BH (in abbreviation). Baba, she is a young girl just 19-20 years old. She needs to be healthy and not have all these issues to worry about every day. She has become so conscious of it that she does not go out much with friends. 

You know how society is Baba, they will look at her face and skin and make negative remarks. Baba, I have asked You many a time to remove all her problems and give them to me, her mother. I am willing to take on her acne, rashes and other health issues even at my age of 55. She feels embarrassed to go out Baba. Can You not make her skin clear and remove all her hormonal problems.
 Please I am begging You Baba. Please help. She has no friends at all and stays home all day. We, her parents are old, she needs young people around her to enjoy life and have someone to talk to. Please clear her skin of all these. If her BS issue goes away in a week, I will post here. Give her health issues to me, I will bear them. Om Sairam!

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


  1. Trust you are already applying Udi on the affected part and giving it mixed with water. All will be well!!

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