Shirdi Sai Prayers From Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA: Thank you for this wonderful site. Reading the experiences and prayers brings me peace and calmness.
Baba, I have never been a good wife. I am very stubborn and opinionated. My husband’s career took a back seat while I tried to make much of my job and career but there also I failed miserably. My husband never said a word or complained. He never shared his feelings with anyone. While all my husband’s friends and ours went up the career ladder, my husband remained at the low paying job in the same company, but he never felt ashamed of it.

 Our friends started leaving us and now at close to retirement we have no one to call our friend, having lived in the same city for last 30 years. Baba, today I am asking You to please help my husband. He has eye issues since birth and can see with only one eye, that too with high prescription glasses. Now You have taken away his hearing. With both these issues he is unable to drive as he cannot react quickly. Baba, please give back his hearing and his eyesight. You took his eyesight since his birth, at least in the last few years of his life; please give it back in this 2020 year. 
Please restore his hearing completely Baba. As I said I have been very selfish all my life and prayed for my life and my career. This is the first prayer I am posting for my husband’s health. Please help Baba. Work Your miracles and give back his hearing and eyesight. Om Sairam!

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© Shirdi Sai Baba Prayers

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 1471


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